School philosophy

Psychological design

A project of oneself in which the individual knows who he is and what to do with it.Psychological design is about the self, wrapped in a self-created activity, where the author and the doer are united in one person. A construct of the human self and Reality in which they do not contradict each other, but mutually serve the common goal of the life of a free and self-creative person.

A person lives in three “U”:

Uncertainty –

it is a feeling of loneliness and emptiness in a world full of people.

Untimeliness –

it is the experience of inconsistency in a chaos of patterns, stereotypes and “creative” ideas.

Unpredictability –

it is a response to a loss of security.

These three “U” will always stress us.

Our task

To make you the master of your life in these “U’s”, to create the criteria (rules) of self-preservation in an altered reality. We achieve this through psychological design. A person is a project, defined by the actuality of his achievements, successes, losses, manipulations, etc., and exists irrespective of whether the person knows it. Initially, the person is a project of his parents. In this project, the person is condemned to be not so much himself but rather a reflection and confirmation of the expectations, fantasies, sometimes delusions and unrealistic achievement planks of his parents.

This project is then literally reanimated by the reality commonly referred to as a society, social ideals, standards and stereotypes. In addition, the project is constantly adjusted by age changes, health conditions, social changes (war, natural disasters, and catastrophes) and other cataclysms. In general, a person, having reached the end of his life journey, realises a project with a name, a surname and even a social status. However, in most cases, it was living quite differently from what was originally planned…

«The filling of a person»

First, the person is conditioned by his own body and soul, which are given and completely autonomous in their development. At birth, the person receives the exclusive right to speak and think, provided by the mentality. The mentality is a function of reflection, in which the inner world and the outer reality are combined secretly. Consequently, the mentality has the power to regulate itself. The only thing capable of subordinating the inner world to itself is the person’s Ego. The Ego is the main link in the speech-thought-action system. Society gives birth to the person; this is how speech formalized into language appears. Initially, man is a being who is reactive. But with further development, the ability to use speech and language gives man thinking, and all that is called reality is found in activity, for there is no person without activity.

The philosophy of the school takes into account
3 main problems of modern person:


We all strive for freedom, not realizing that freedom is the ability not to depend on our own illusions; it is the sense in which the ability to choose appears!

Man without freedom does not exist!

Unconscious freedom is suffering from oneself.


We spend so much time choosing the items that provide for our life, and we completely ignore the choice of life strategies.

Choice is the activity of a person in comprehending and establishing his own boundaries and measures; the ability to realize one’s shortcomings and create, provided they exist in oneself.


We will always refuse to realize and comprehend the main pattern of life – its finiteness! Life is finite in time, and we are faced with the inevitability of valuing this time. It is time that cannot be given away!

This is the debt that will never be returned. Therefore, we do not choose many things in our life, and we are doomed to complete it.

Doom is a person’s addiction, from which there are only two ways out: self-creating life or death.

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